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  Sustainability Initiative from Minsk, Belarus         russian

Goals and Objectives
Skills & Experience
Our Logo
Sustainability Web Ring control panel



A discussion FORUM for the communities of the twinning cities of Minsk (Belarus) and Nottingham (United Kingdom) to discuss the topics of Local Agenda 21 and sustainable developent - Launched on 12 August 2002
Two brochures for local businesses and offices developed, based on the Belarussian and UK materials and experience - 'Fresh look: running a cost-effective environmentally aware office for your business. Practical guide for companies and organizations of any size' and 'Earn by saving: 100 waste minimisation tips for your business' - Spring 2002
Methodological kit 'Energy Story' for educational institutions (school children and teachers) have been developed based on the local and international materials and experience - Autumn 2001
Ecoproject becomes a member of the Sustainability Web Ring! - 10 April 2001
Brochure on energy saving and the environment for children 'Secrets from Lumi' - February 2001
Visit to Nottingham, UK 23-25 November 2000
Workshop 'Energy Efficiency and the Environment in Schools', Minsk 23 November 2000

Ecoproject, P.O.Box 114, Minsk, 220007,  BELARUS 
Fax +375 17 2635417
E-mail: ecoproject at  

© 2000-2010  Ecoproject Belarus