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  Saturday, 04 December 2010 
  Sustainability Initiative from Minsk, Belarus         russian

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Welcome to the discussion FORUM on Local Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development issues

Primarily, this is a place for people from twinning european cities of Minsk (Belarus) and Nottingham (United Kingdom) to exchange their views on various topics of Local Agenda 21, exchange experiences through an on-line multi-stakeholder dialogue, learn from successes and failures of this complicated process, establish contacts and partnerships between the communities. However, representatives of other cities and countries are more than welcome to participate in the dialogue as well! This FORUM is launched on 12 August 2002, two weeks before the start of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, to mark the importance of the event and to let communities contribute to the discussion on many crucial topics.

The FORUM is bi-lingual, so you can submit your messages in both English and Russian, and the automatic translation option to read messages of the FORUM in the opposite language is avaiable. So please join the discussion, and we look forward to receiving your constructive contribution.

step into the forumStep into the forum here!

Ecoproject, P.O.Box 114, Minsk, 220007,  BELARUS 
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