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  Sustainability Initiative from Minsk, Belarus         russian

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Workshop 'Energy Efficiency and the Environment in Schools', Minsk, Belarus, 23 November 2000

The main aim of the workshop was to develop and to introduce materials on Energy Efficiency for secondary schools in Belarus.  


  • Evaluating the existing curricula, key environmental and energy efficiency issues, scope of the recourse package, level of existing understanding of the problem;

  • Assess resource and training/support needs for teachers, pupils and teacher trainers;

  • Agree on how those needs can be met;

  • Establishment of a project team. 

The workshop was held in school N 113 in Minsk and facilitated by specially trained Ecoproject staff with experience in teaching, organizational and youth work, and environmental education. It was a participatory event, using small group work and brainstorming to pool the ideas and experience of the participants. Discussion documents were prepared, translated and circulated in advance. Stakeholder analysis and the logical framework approach were used as well.

Program of the workshop:




Opening of the workshop


'Examples of energy saving measures in schools', Mr. Dmitriev G.M., Energy Audit Expert, State Committee on Energy Efficiency and Supervision of the Republic of Belarus
Mr Dmitriev GM speaking at the seminar


'Financial support of energy efficiency measures in schools', Mr. Jasenev V.V., Deputy Director, Minsk City Executive Committee


Video Film 'Energy Saving in the Social Sphere'


'Energy efficiency awareness campaign', Mrs. Savanovich T.F., Director, State Committee on Energy Efficiency and Supervision of the Republic of Belarus


'Electricity and Ways of Saving It', example of the lesson for the 3rd form of the secondary school
Open lesson on ways of energy saving




Discussion, exchange of opinions

A special exhibition introducing children's ideas on the topic of 'Energy Efficiency and the Environment' was organised during the seminar at the School No 113 in Minsk. 

exhibition about energy efficiency and the environment 1   exhibition about energy efficiency and the environment 2

The following key questions were addressed to the participants:

  • How can energy efficiency be best incorporated into the existing teaching practices and curriculum?

  • Which subject areas should be included in the course contents?

  • Are there any particular subject areas that need to be developed?

  • What sort of duration for energy efficiency course could be incorporated in the school curriculum – one month, one term, one semester, one or more years?

  • What type of resource materials should be developed? (e.g. teacher's resource packs, pupil workbooks,  materials to be used in teacher's training courses)?

  • What is the most appropriate resource format (regular printed materials/ video films / audio tapes/ Internet presentations, etc.)?

  • By what means will the materials be originated, pilot-tested, edited/adapted and distributed?

  • What is the best way to train teachers to use new materials?

  • What are the realistic targets (number of schools, pupils, etc.) that could get involved?

  • Which other stakeholders should be consulted and involved in the project?

  • How will the impact of this project be evaluated?

  • How best will the project be co-ordinated (in order to avoid any unnecessary duplication of efforts)?

At the end of the discussion the project team including geography teacher, media specialist, environmental specialist, energy efficiency expert, methodology expert was chosen.


2 directors from Minsk schools:
- Mr. Muraviev A. V., Director of the school N 113;
- Mrs. Prokofieva N. J., Director of the school N 25;
2 teacher trainers (University lecturers):
- Mrs. Andrievich E. V., Belarusian State University;
- Mrs. Zajka E. B., Belarusian Pedagogical University;
2 representatives of the State Committee on Energy Efficiency and Supervision
- Mrs. Savanovich T. F., Director;
- Mr. Dmitriev G. M., Energy Audit Expert;
2 representatives of Ecoproject:
- Mrs. Dereviago T.V., Chairperson;
- Mrs. Alexandrova J. V., International Project Manager;
Representative of the Minsk City Committee on Nature Resources and Environmental Protection:
- Mr. Kozlov M. V., Head of the Committee;
Representative of Minsk City Executive Committee:
- Mr. Jasenev V.V., Deputy Director;
Representative of the Ministry of Education;
- Ms. Romanovets G.S., Senior Inspector on Environmental Education in Secondary School Curriculum;
Representative of the Academy of Skill Development for Teachers:
- Ms. Bogachiova I.V., Methodist;

As a result of the workshop, a clear project framework was developed which sets out:

1.Objectives of a future energy efficiency curriculum development project;
2.Results of such a project;
3.Activities required to achieve the above results;
4.Division of responsibility for project tasks (establishment of a project team);
5.Time scale;

Further consultation will take place with project team identified at the workshop. To enable the future progress for the activities underlined, a full project proposal will be developed on the basis of the project plan and the consultations results.

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